World Laughter Day

World Laughter Day

World Laughter Day is an annual event celebrated to raise awareness about laughter and its many healing benefits. 

In sync with the benefits of laughter, teachers showed videos of Charlie Chaplin and Mr. Bean the iconic figure of Laughter and shared the benefits of laughing aloud.

 The day was celebrated with the thought: “Trouble knocked at the door, but, hearing laughter, hurried away.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN

Founder’s Day

Founder’s Day

“Education is our passport for the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today”

           – Malcom X


DPS 84 celebrated its 4th Founder’s Day with great zeal and enthusiasm. Laughter, cheer and  happiness we experienced it all to keep our hopes flying high. 

Students of Nursery wing enjoyed the virtual cake cutting ceremony and parents actively participated in the Quiz session.

 The young children of Kindergarten planted seeds of happiness during the tough times and gifted them to their loved ones to celebrate the Founder’s Day.  Not only this, they were happy to sing a birthday song, make cards and colour pictures of their school.  The love for their school is abundant even though they don’t come to school. 

The  tiny tots of Pre Nursery  celebrating the special date when the cornerstone of our school was laid.

Fourth Founder’s Day was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm.

Senior students prepared a questionnaire about the school and interviewed their friends and shared loving messages for the school.  Students also integrated their IT skills and utilised them in doing the activity. They used the software –  Minecraft for creating the quiz.

When you celebrate a birthday you bake a cake, you make a card, you make a wish and you party to bring about good cheer. 

Young Dipsites – grades 1 to 5 celebrated the fourth Founder’s Day by making cards, yummy food – made by nimble fingers in class and reciting poetry in honour of the school. It was an online celebration of joy, good spirits and the ability to laugh during tough times.