Career Guidance & Counselling

Progression of students to college, careers and life beyond is becoming increasingly complicated. It is the responsibility of schools to prepare students for what they will face after the school leaving examination.

DPS Gurgaon, Sector 84 will give special emphasis to examination preparation for the Classes X and XII. Board examinations are the basis for selection to many courses after school and thorough knowledge of a subject does not imply ability to write an examination. Writing an examination successfully requires special academic and emotional preparation. Other steps taken towards examination preparation will include:

  • Question banks for each topic
  • Training in examination skills
  • Study and learning skills
  • Practice in writing question specific answers


In addition, the school will prepare students in the Secondary and Senior Secondary years to be socially aware and to have life skills. This will be achieved through career and life guidance and counselling, including talks, discussions, interviews and summer placements.

Experts from various fields will expose senior students to a variety of careers. Counselling for Class X students will facilitate better subject choices for Class XI. It will help students to increase their awareness of available careers and to make informed career choices and also to plan for careers that interest them.