Student Leadership

A well-organized student leadership programme at DPS 84 will enable children to be self-assured and become successful leaders of tomorrow. It will aim at providing students with opportunities to develop and practice leadership and social action skills to become catalysts for change. The programme is applicable to all students from grade six onwards. As the school evolves, the leadership opportunities will grow too. These activities include:
Our house team system develops a spirit of belonging among the children. House activities such as inter-house drama, music, recitation and dance competitions, among many others bring a perfect balance between studies and extra-curricular activities, which make learning fun. House Competitions, which take place every Friday, will enable the children to compete and cooperate, thereby facilitating their character building.
The Student Council will include pupils exhibiting leadership, sportsmanship, responsibility, sensitivity and integrity among other traits, making them proud members of the student leadership body. The Senior School Student council will evolve as the senior classes become functional.
Members of the editorial board will be responsible for creating and designing the school magazine and newsletters. Students are selected from the sixth grade onwards to become members of the editorial board.
These programmes include peer buddies, class monitor systems, and class library-in charges. Such programmes motivate students to be responsible and maintain discipline, thereby inculcating in them important leadership skills.