News Room DPS Gurugram Sector 84
DPS SEC-84 Sponsors Condominium Football Championship
It is a great pride that DPS Sector 84, Gurugram organized and hosted the 2nd Condominium Foot Ball Championship on 2nd of February, 2019. Children from various condominiums in and around sector 84 participated and the foggy and chilly weather was no damper to their...
NIE Annual Sports Day
Delhi Public School, Sector 84, Gurugram, celebrated their Annual sports Event, ‘Collympic’, on 22nd December, 2018. The occasion was graced by Mr. Aditya Paul Lakhanpal, Co-Vice Chairman of the school and Ms Menaka Paul Lakhanpal, member managing committee. The event...
Science Week
“The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them” Keeping in sync with the theme, our school, DPS Sector 84, Gurugram, celebrated its first Science Week in school from 4th December to 8th December, 2017....
First Prize in WWF quiz 2018
A proud day for everyone at DPS- Sector 84 as the team representing the school in the primary level World Wildlife Quiz-2018 stood first in the Quiz .The quiz was organised by CBSE- WWF on 1st October, 2018 at Modern School, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi. At the mega...
Plantation Drive in DPS Sector, 84
“Trees are God’s great alphabet: With them He writes in shining green Across the world His thoughts serene” Delhi Public School, Sector 84, organized plantation drive, on 21st August, 2018. The initiative was accomplished under the able guidance of our school...
Independence Day Celebration in DPS Sector-84, Gurugram
DPS, 84 with lot of patriotic feeling and enthusiasm celebrated India’s 72nd Independence Day by having a special assembly and flag hosting ceremony in school. The entire school ambience was filled with patriotic feelings that emanated from various songs aired on the...
Report on Inter School Fest-Reverie – Day 2 Inter-school events play a major role in motivating students to perform, excel and offer a lot more reward than just winning a prize. The Inter-school fest ‘Reverie’, at Delhi Public School, Sector 84, culminated on the 8 th...
Report on Reverie-The Inter School Fest Delhi Public School, Sector 84, organized its first Annual Inter- School Fest, ‘Reverie’ to provide opportunities to develop and hone the students’ skills, explore talents and abilities besides providing a platform for...
“If we want to create leaders of tomorrow, there is no better time to develop our students as leaders than today.” With belief in the above mentioned quote and with the intent of creating worthy future leaders, students of Delhi Public School-84, elected their student...
Book Week celebrations
‘A BOOK IS A DREAM, YOU HOLD IN YOUR MIND’ The Book Week, an annual event of the school was celebrated by DPS-84, from 9th July to 13th July, 2018. Dozens of activities were scheduled to turn the ‘Book Week’ into a week- long celebration in order to enhance the...
Proficiency and Scholar Badge Ceremony
“We are what we repeatedly do! Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle Delhi Public School, Sector-84, held its first Proficiency and Scholar Badge Ceremony of on 17th May, 2018, to felicitate meritorious students for their academic excellence...
MR Vaccination Camp
The MR Campaign which is an Initiative by the Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of India to eradicate Measles and Rubella from the India. DPS Sector-84 supported the initiative and organized a vaccination camp in School on 16 th May, 2018. A team from...