Technology Day 30th January 2019
“Technology: The Great Growling Engine of CHANGE”- – As rightly quoted by Alvin Toffler, so to Keep pace with the evolving technological era, we at DPS Sector 84 celebrated technology day on 30th January 2019. To mark this day we organized a special assembly where Anureet Kaur and Kabir Sharma of Grade V shared information about some useful Apps under “Digital India Programme”. Students of Grade V & VI also enacted on Pros and Cons of using Social Media that depicted how the attention span of our students has reportedly come down heavily due to constant use of Facebook, Instagram or online gaming. The assembly concluded with the message that “Everyone should constantly strive to strike a balance between virtual world and real world and must discipline ourselves in using the technology in controlled and disciplined manner.”
To ignite Green Ideas, class wise activities were conducted on ‘Saving Environment’ and ‘Clean India –Green India.’