A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.

The students of Grades VI A and B conducted a special assembly on the occasion of Mothers Day. After sharing the thought of the day and the important news headlines, two beautiful poems were recited to praise the endless work that mothers do. To drive home the point that we can’t do without mothers, the children put up a short thought provoking skit where one got to realize how mothers are the back bone of the homes. To further appreciate them, the students sang a beautiful song on mothers. And it was not just the children who got a message on the importance of mothers; the school coordinator and headmistress addressed the teachers and advised them to spend time with their mothers and to respect the fact that they are now old. The assembly indeed got everyone thinking on what would the world be like if there were no mothers.

God could not be everywhere, that’s why he created mothers!